
Tuition Information

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $38,021.
There is a one-time new student fee of $1,800 for all students.

Other expenses may include school uniforms, supplies, overnight field trips, supervised daycare, and a range of after-school activities. Our Financial Access program supports many costs beyond tuition. There is no additional fee for books.

Financial Access at Curtis School

Curtis School is committed to providing opportunities for qualified students to enroll without regard to their family's financial circumstances. Our Financial Access Program is designed to bridge the gap between what a family can afford and the actual cost of attendance. Every effort is made to meet students' demonstrated need for tuition assistance throughout their years at Curtis.

Families who feel they may need financial assistance are encouraged to apply. Decisions regarding tuition assistance are made independently of admissions decisions, and financial need does not adversely affect a student's chances of gaining admission to Curtis School.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the average tuition assistance award was $27,300. Awards are determined based on demonstrated financial need. Some families may need only a small amount, and other families may need almost all of tuition covered.

Families who plan to apply for tuition assistance do not need to pay the $150 admissions application fee. While completing your admissions application in CougarNet, please check "yes" on the Financial Access section and the fee will be waived automatically. We will be in touch later in our admissions process with additional information about the Financial Access Program requirements and deadlines.

How to Apply for the Financial Access Program

Curtis School utilizes Schools and Student Services (SSS) to help assess what a family is able to contribute to its students' educational expenses. The SSS platform evaluates each family's financial capacity and makes a recommendation to our Business Office.

Beginning September 1, 2023, families will be able to log in to the SSS Family Portal and fill out an online application. For the 2024-25 school year, tuition assistance applications are due by February 1, 2024.

Visit the SSS Family Portal at to create your account. When applying, please include code number 1482 to ensure that your information is forwarded to Curtis School. The SSS website also has many helpful guides and resources available for download.

Complete the Parent Financial Statement (PFS) and upload all supplemental documents within your SSS portal.

In order to process your application, Schools and Student Services (SSS) charges a fee of $60, which can be waived under certain circumstances. SSS will use the Federal poverty guidelines, which take into account family size, income, and asset information provided in the PFS, and will automatically approve your request for a fee waiver if your family qualifies.

Admissions decisions will be published in the CougarNet portal in March. At that time, families will also be able to view their tuition assistance awards.

Financial Access FAQs

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

Start Your Curtis Journey

Curtis School

15871 Mulholland Drive  ·  Los Angeles CA 90049